Test 400 – Testosterone Blend 400mg/mL – Apoxar


As someone anecdotally described it, Test 400 is a Sustanon on steroids. But if we put jokes aside, Apoxar Test 400 is a mixture of 3 Testosterone esters in strict dosages (Test Propionate 50mgs, Test Enanthate 175mgs, Test Cypionate 175mgs.) Here is what you can expect from it:

  • Significant increase in energy;
  • Fast muscle growth and strength boost;
  • improved recovery and endurance;
  • Increased fat loss that will give you ripped look;
  • Guaranteed results because it’s authentic Apoxar gear and it’s 3rd party lab tested.

Brand: Apoxar
Substance: Testosterone
Dosage and packing: 400 mg/ml (10 ml)

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