Trenbolone Acetate 100
Trenbolone Acetate is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) medication. Anabolic-Androgenic steroids or AAS are steroids that contain natural occurring androgens like testosterone as well as man-made or synthetic androgens mimicking the effects of testosterone.
Trenbolone Acetate 100
Trenbolone Acetate 100 is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) medication. What is AAS? Anabolic-Androgenic steroids or
AAS are steroids that contain natural occurring androgens like testosterone as well as man-made or synthetic androgens
mimicking the effects of testosterone.
Anabolic steroid or Anabolic Androgenic steroids – AAS in simple terms mean, “Anabolic” pertain to muscle building or muscle
gains and “Androgenic” pertain to increased male sexual characteristics such as increase growth rate of the axillary, chest,
and pubic hair, deepening of the voice, and testicular or penile enlargement.
Drug classification
“Anabolic Steroid” or “Steroids” are a drug classification generally used for various therapy modality for conditions like steroid
hormone deficiency as well as treat diseases causing loss of lean muscle mass or muscle wasting commonly seen in people
afflicted with cancer and AIDS.
This is the chemical structure of naturally occurring testosterone compared to Trenbolone Acetate.
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