M1T (Methyl-1-testosterone) 10
Methyl-1-Testosterone, a.k.a. methyldihydroboldenone, is a methylated derivative of the anabolic steroid dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid that was designed to treat testosterone deficiency in males.
Originally marketed as a sports nutrition supplement and widely sold in store prior to the prohormone ban of 2010. This is a potent oral steroid on the line with superdrol, dbol and anadrol.
Methyl-1-Testosterone was researched in the year 1962. It is also known as M1T 10. The year 1960s was a highly active time for steroid research. There were several varied anabolic agents that were studied and continued by various drug firms.
M1T had a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect. So, it was a promising compound. Like other steroids, it was not chosen to be developed as a medicine. There were only some agents that were provided the money for complete studies and release.
M1T was not chosen and was inactive. It was in the medical books for at least 40 years. It again came into existence in the year 2003 because it was introduced as a dietary supplement in America.
M1T – A Potent compound
As it is a potent compound, it was formulated in a 5 mg capsule. Consuming one capsule per day is ideal. One can have two capsules per day that is 10 mg for at least 5 to 6 weeks. These doses are low but its highly potent. There are some users who report that a dose of around 20 mg is extremely high. There are some side effects of toxicity and high blood pressure at these dosages.
M1T or Methyl-1-Testosteron is a methylated derivative of the anabolic steroid dihydrotestosterone or DHT. It is an anabolic steroid that was made to treat deficiency in testosterone in males.
Steroid Form
Methyl-1-Testosterone is marketed by America and is found in bottles in wide amounts of 10 mg of steroid per capsule or tablet.
Some additional Information
M1T or Methyl-1-Testosterone can be utilized for gaining and cutting purposes. It is cycled with any anabolic compound that includes the highly popular testosterone, Trenbolone, Oral Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Equipoise, Stanozolol, Anadrol and Halostestin.
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