NPP Durabolin 150
$120.00 Original price was: $120.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
If quality lean muscle tissue growth is your goal, Npp, known as Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is for you. Npp used in conjunction with testosterone can give you the gains you are looking for without the some of the adverse side effects of its long ester sister drug Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate).
NPP Durabolin 150
NPP Durabolin 150 Phenylpropionate was the first nandrolone ester that was introduced for medical use in 1959. It was used
primarily in the treatment of breast cancer and osteoporosis in women and has since become one of the most widely used
nandrolone esters among bodybuilders. Although NPP was widely used in the medical field in the past, its use has been mostly discontinued and has been largely superseded by nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin), the longer-acting and more
convenient form of nandrolone. Both esters of nandrolone are still extremely popular in the bodybuilding world.
NPP Durabolin 150 is the shorter nandrolone ester, meaning it has a much shorter half-life of approximately 4 days vs. 14 days for nandrolone decanoate (Deca). This means that the injection frequency is much higher for NPP vs. Deca in order for blood serum
levels to remain stable. NPP is also one of the least androgenic steroids on the market, and is more anabolic relative to testosterone.
NPP carries an anabolic/androgenic rating of 125/37 respectively, with low estrogenic activity. Both nandrolone and testosterone a
romatize, however, nandrolone does so at approximately 20% the rate of testosterone.
Some of the many benefits of NPP include: improved endurance and recovery, increase in Red Blood Cells and glycogen
replenishment, reduced joint pain, increased protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and IGF-1 production, inhibition of cortisol,
increased collagen synthesis and bone mineral content, and the ability to gain and maintain lean muscle mass. It is argued that
nandrolone esters are the most popular AAS used by bodybuilders and elite athletes looking to improve physique and performance.
This may be due to the fact that it has a low tendency of androgenic and estrogenic side effects, making it suitable for both male
and female athletes. Although NPP is less likely to cause masculinizing side-effects, such as hair loss, acne, deepening of voice, or additional body/facial hair, female users must be aware of the possible virilization effects and should be immediately discontinued if symptoms arise.
What is the recommended dosage?
The recommended dosage of NPP varies widely depending on who you talk to. In our opinion, a sensible dosage for most
athletes is between 100-400mg per week for males, with a typical cycle lasting 8-12 weeks. A maximum of 16 weeks
should not be exceeded. In order to minimize the virilization effects, female users should not exceed 50mg/week for a maximum
of 6 weeks. Users should split their dose into 2-3 injections per week for maximum benefits.
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