Androx 400 | Testosterone Blend 400mg/ml x 10x 1ml amps | Thaiger Pharma
Androx 400 contain:
- 100mg Testosteorne Decaonate
- 100mg Testosterone Cypionate
- 100mg Testosterone Isocrapoate
- 100mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate
What is synthetic testosterone?
Main male sex hormone that is mainly synthesized in the Leydig cells of the testicle, and on the other hand, in the adrenal cortex, and in the ovary. The pituitary gonadotropin LH, luteinizing hormone, is the specific regulatory hormone for testosterone production.
As already mentioned, the synthesis of this substance occurs mainly in the testicle and is synthesized from the oxidative degradation of cholesterol, which depends on the luteinizing hormone (in adults), together with the follicle-stimulating hormone (in the periods developmental).
Testosterone use today
Testosterone is an old acquaintance in gyms mainly.
Thousands of users, most of the time without medical supervision, decide to use this hormone or its derivatives due to its anabolic properties, taking for granted that the benefits they will obtain will be multiple and the risks they will suffer minimally.
The acceleration of muscle growth, the increase in bone maturation, the improvement of recovery capacity between sessions are some of the main reasons that lead these users to use this type of supplementation without being aware of the multiple problems that the use of the same can be derived.
Only the use of vitamin compounds, natural medicinal substances, and even precursors of testosterone that supposedly stimulate the production of this hormone in the body is openly admitted in gyms.
When a bodybuilder or user introduces hormonal anabolics for the first time, he observes remarkable progress since the organism is momentary with a surplus of this substance. However, after a period of use, they stop acting in the same way, mainly due to the cessation of production of the endogenous hormones themselves, which disappear, as well as the down-regulation of androgen receptors.
From there, in order to continue experiencing improvements, he will be forced to continually increase the exogenous administration of hormones, with the risk that this dynamic entails.
In addition, it is necessary to underline the fact that each hormone is interrelated with others and an increase or decrease in their levels always affects the general balance. When a hormone increases its presence in the body naturally, it in turn activates certain mechanisms that regulate and balance the other factors involved. On the contrary, when the increase is exogenous, it is beyond its control and it cannot in any way adjust and balance the other related parameters.
We find several forms of testosterone on the market: testosterone propionate, Enanthate, Sustanon… which vary in the speed of reaching the system, maintaining that the faster a testosterone acts, the greater effects will be experienced. The goal is to find a testosterone that does not hit the system fast, because it is quickly converted to estrogen, and that does not work so long that it would be difficult to control.
Anabolic steroids are taken by mouth or injected, and athletes often take them in cycles of weeks or months, rather than continuously, in so-called cycling patterns. This consists of taking multiple doses of steroids over a period of time, resting for a while, and starting over.
The combination of different classes of steroids by users is a common practice that aims to maximize their effectiveness and, at the same time, minimize their unfavorable effects. This process is known as stacking.
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