Altamofen™ 20mg x 50 Tablets (Nolvadex)
Altamofen is a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) and its most common use is for prevention of gynocomastia (bitch tits) and other unwanted side effects from extra estrogen floating around in the body when on a cycle containing aromatizing steroids. Nolvadex binds strongly to the estrogen receptors and thus blocks the estrogen from attaching. It doesn t eliminate estrogen but this has its benefits because estrogen is needed for a healthy immune defense and improved lipid profile. Nolvadex has another equally very beneficial use and that is as a superior post-cycle drug, which is not to be underestimated. It raises LH levels which in turn greatly raises testosterone levels and this is exactly the wanted effect after a cycle. Recommended to use during a cycle for those prone to gynocomastia and particularly recommended post-cycle in combination with HCG. Altamofen and Vitagon is the most effective post-cycle treatment for maximum preservation of muscle mass and quick recovery hormonal balance.
Potency: 20mg per tablet
Active ingredient: Tamoxifen Citrate
Packaging: 50 Tablets
Popular dosage: Prevent gynecomastia 20-40mg per day during cycle.
Post-cycle recovery: 20mg per day for 6 weeks+ 500-750 IU HCG per day for 3 weeks.
Performance: Estrogen blocker 5/5
Post-cycle recovery 5/5
Side effects 1/5
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